Tuesday, May 5, 2009

We're having a............

Girl!!!!! Well we think we are having a girl. The technition told us that her guess was it was a girl. I guess shes not allowed to tell us she's a 100 percent sure, so she didn't much more beyond that. We went out yesterday and bought a really cute pink outfit that has lady bugs on it. I'll just make sure to buy a couple of green and yellow things... just in case she turns into a boy and I will keep all the tags a receipts around too! But right now we're pretty sure that she's a going to be our little girl! :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009


This has nothing to do with pregnancy... but for your entertainment... this is my pomeranian tony in my kitchen sink. He came inside with really muddy paws that I was trying to get clean. Do not worry... I scrubed the crud out of every dish you see in the picture. I know its a little weird to have a dog in a sink..but I just thought he was so darn cute i should take a picture! Anyways... he is my "other" baby! :)

Butterfly kicks

I went back to the doctor on Tuesday. The baby's heart rate is 147 bpm. Its really slowed some, it worried me at first, but the doctor assured me that that was completely normal. Now the ladies that I work with that where so sure I was going to have a girl are second guessing themselves.

I go in for a sonogram on May 4th. If the baby is cooperating they should be able to tell then if its a boy or a girl. I can't wait to find out! I know some people wait and let it be a surprise, but if I can know something... I want to know it. Plus I have boys room and girls room things picked out.

I'm starting to get a little bump.. its really quite frustrating, the maternity shirts that I'm wearing are a little to big on me, but my normal shirts are getting way to tight. I think I started to feel the baby kick this week too! I honestly don't know what else it could be. It seems to really like to kick when I'm typing on the computer like right now. ;) It feels like little butterflies in my stomach. I think poor Brad was a little jealous, when I told him I was feeling the baby kick he wanted to put his hand on my stomach and feel it too. The babies going to have to get a little bigger before he can feel it!

Three more weeks and its summer vacation!!!! Then I can really start working on things in my house that I want to work on! :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I thought the 2nd Trimester got better?

I haven't really had any morning sickness. I've had nausea, but I wasn't getting sick. Now that I'm ending the first trimester and starting the second I thought that I would start feeling better. Well, I was really hungry when I got home from work, I cooked a huge pot of beef stir fry (one of my favorites) I ate one bite and got sick to my stomach and ran for the toilet. I really thought the food after that smelled like vomit. It didn't stop Brad from stuffing his face full of stir fry! eww... will I ever like stir fry again... or have I just ruined it forever?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

First Sonogram

We went to the Doctor on Tuesday. The baby looked very cute! (actually it looked alot like a peanut) It was so neat to see the little heart beat on the screen. The heart rate was 170bpm. I've had many people tell me that will definitely be a girl! We'll see though... Brad's family has a long history of boys. As soon as I get a picture scanned I'll put the sonogram up on here! :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

This is where I am going to track our pregnancy and the start of our brand new family! Brad and I found out we where pregnant on January 20th 2009. We are so excited that we are going to become parents!!!! Right now I am 10 weeks along and our due date is September 19th. My next doctors appointment is next Tuesday... We get to see our first sonogram and hear the babies heartbeat!